
Legal provider identification:

Shahid Sahaf Import and export von Textilien

Oststrasse 14

53173 Bonn


Phone: +49 228 9339 0800

e-mail: [email protected]

VAT ID: DE 255843607

Due to the small business status, the VAT is not shown on the invoice in accordance with § 19 UStG.

Designated trademarks and brand names belong to their respective owners. Any reproduction, copying, even partial, of the contents and graphics and any imitation of the web design, even partial, is not permitted without the express permission of the management and the author.

Whoever uses a design work (even in extracts), graphical material or texts without obtaining the necessary rights of use, commits a copyright infringement. Various claims arise from this infringement of rights for the entitled party (author, owner of the rights of use), in particular claims for injunction, information and compensation.

The right to injunctive relief exists against anyone who participates in the copyright infringement, even if the infringer is acting in good faith and possibly does not even know that he is infringing third-party copyrights.

Legal information

Disclaimer of liability:

Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for the content of their pages.

Online dispute resolution / consumer dispute resolution

The European Commission has set up an Internet platform for online dispute resolution. The platform serves as a contact point for out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from sales contracts concluded online. You can access the platform via the following link:

We have been a member of the “FairCommerce” initiative since 09.04.2020.

You can find more information on this at